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Private sessions


Private Sessions allow you to get full attention in a private and safe space and have the session tailored to your specific needs.

You can choose to attend a counselling and healing session or to have your own family constellation done privately.  

Counseling and healing

During the counselling session you will be provided with the opportunity to express your thoughts, emotions and feelings in a supportive and safe environment.


You will be provided with intuitive insight about your life and about the issues that bother you so you can understand yourself and your circumstances better. These intuitive insights will help us work together efficiently and accurately towards resolving your issues and helping you feel much better. 

Furthermore, you will be provided with tools that will help you create changes in your life and feel more peaceful into the future.

If appropriate we may be creating a constellation for your issue to allow you to gain clarity and find resolution quickly and efficiently.  

You will be able to let go of challenges you are facing, heal from past issues, release unhealthy relationship patterns and feel grounded and supported.

* A counselling and healing session lasts one hour. You can attend one session or a few, depending on your needs and wishes. 


Family Constellation

Having your private constellation session is a powerful and efficient way to help you transform a challenge or emotional block you are currently coping with.

If it seems like you have tried many things to change your circumstances and resolve your issues but the challenges remain, it probably didn't start with you.

Many of the issues we face, be it in our personal and professional life, originate within our family lineage. This has an enormous unconscious effect on how we behave. 

How is the private constellation done:

Similar to the group process, you will be guided to choose representations from a pile of symbols for the different roles in your system. The symbols can be fabrics or crystals which will allow for a powerful way of connecting to your inner world. 


The roles could be:

  • Your family members, including current family, family of origin or ancestors

  • Different feelings and emotions such as envy, depression or guilt

  • Systemic roles such as your job, your future or a place. 

Once you choose the representations (often just cut out shapes in fabric or other material) we will set them in the room and you will stand on them and connect with how you feel. 


You will be then tapping into the “knowing Field”, a term that was created by Albert Mahr, a respected German physician and psychoanalyst. 

This process is very powerful and will allow us to uncover the unseen feelings, identifications and relationships in your family system and your life.

Once we shine a light on these hidden elements and issues we will be able to address them to bring back balance, order and love to your life, all leading to a sense of inner peace.

This powerful method offers deep and lasting resolutions which will enable you to feel and behave differently and fulfil your potential. 

* A private family constellation session lasts two hours. You can have as many constellations done as required for different issues you wish to resolve. 


Ready to book your individual session?
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